About Hearty Hours
Hearty Hours is a blog dedicated to provide lifestyle tips and advice for a positive and healthy headspace, routine and community. If you find yourself ever struggling with, for example, friendships, motivation, stress, relationships, school and whatever else that may be on your mind, Hearty Hours offers insightful information to keep spirits up and guidance on how to approach situations with a positive perspective! Even if you feel like you aren't struggling with anything right now, our posts discuss ideas, life lessons, quotes, thoughts and terminology to collectively boost a mentally healthy mindset and lifestyle.
It is important to make room for some positivity in your day and this can be done easily by just visiting our blog. Whether you are a big reader or not a reader at all, this blog is aimed for all kinds of girls of different personalities, ages and experiences. If you are wanting to receive non-professional advice, have a scroll through our posts and browse through ones which relate to you most. Let's build a community for girls to come together to support and cheer each other on as we progress through our wonderful and crazy lives!
If you are wanting advice more specific to you, you are able to send in your concerns, worries and problems that you may be encountering in your life right now, have done in the past, or may do in the future. Everything will remain anonymous if a post is made.
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